
The Year That Was and Wasn’t

In a round-up article for The Morning News, John J. Lennon joins fellow journalists, writers and thinkers as they answer the question: What were the most important events of 2020, and what were the least?

In a round-up article for The Morning News, John J. Lennon joins fellow journalists, writers and thinkers as they answer the question: What were the most important events of 2020, and what were the least?


The most important event that happened in 2020 was Trump getting voted out, of course. A part of me, the convict who became a journalist in prison part, respects Trump for doing what so many thought he couldn’t do. But Trump was a terrible leader because he couldn’t temper his ego. He had no restraint. In prison, I try to avoid these troublemakers — mean-spirited, impulsive guys who gossip, manufacture beefs, catch delusions, create prison politics that swirl through the yard and cellblocks, and then sit back and thrive off the drama. Trump’s like this toxic yard boss. I mean, there’s a lot of sick people in prison so you kind of expect this behavior. But you don’t expect it from the person in the White House. It makes you a cynic about things like justice and pretty much life in general. But I don’t want to feel like that. I don’t think any of us do.

The least important event that occurred in 2020, though it could have become quite dangerous, was Trump being a sore loser and claiming the election was rigged. We expected that. But we didn’t accept it.

Read the full article at The Morning News.